Funeral Notices

Garry Owen

09/03/1947 - 19/06/2024


Obituary For Garry Owen

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Garry Owen on 19th of June aged 77 years. His presence will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved him. He was a gentle giant of a man.

The service to celebrate Garry’s life will be for family only, who invite all his friends to join them in raising a glass, at 1pm on Friday 5th July 2024. If you wish, please share one of your favourite memories or stories of Garry on here.

Family flowers only - if you would like to make a donation in Garry's name please support the Sheffield Hospitals Charity, the care and compassion he received was so appreciated by us all.

All enquiries to Memoria Funerals, telephone: 0800 652 9824, email:

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Condolence Messages

  • 11/07/2024

    As you get older, you start to appreciate that you did not get where you are without knowing or meeting the right people at the right time. You also start to understand that, at some point, you will not be around. However, you think that your friends will always be around. Garry was not only a great friend, but he was also a great Boss and Mentor. He trusted me, guided me, cached me but importantly allowed me to be me. In August 1999 I was invited to an interview at Plaxton Coach and Bus in Scarborough. The interview lasted about 10 minutes, maybe less. Garry was the Interviewer. He asked me a bit about my work history but not much really. He then said, "Do you service your own car?" I said that I did. He said "OK, when can you start?" I was in. We were later named Big G and Little G. This is where I first met John Broadbent and Andy Warburton who were already there. During our time together in Scarborough, Garry sent me to Germany. It was 8th December. I had to drive from Scarborough to Hull to catch a ferry to Rotterdam. The weather was terrible. High seas, cold with18" of snow on the ground. He provided me with a Ford Sierra and I had to drive with half a ton of window frames in the back. Then when I got there, I had to create a training video of how to build the driver's cab door and window. The Germans didn't know how to do it either (I think he knew that) so I had to do it and video at the same time. Any way we got the job done, then it was a snowy drive to the hotel. The hotel was in a snow drift on the outskirts of Dusseldorf on a golf course! Not much golf to be honest and nobody else in the hotel. I set off for home the next day. Now 2 feet of snow. The Ford Sierra sagging a bit due to the load. It probably helped with the grip. This event was his way of 1) being the Boss, 2) teaching me the hard way 3) trusting me to do the job. Anyway, got to Rotterdam early, in even more snow. Dropped off the car at the ferry port and walked back to get something to eat. I had my first bagel in a small café. I was early so I had 2 more. Marvellous! I got to know Garry quite well in Scarborough. He bonded a team. He used to take us out for pizza and drinks. The method worked and the guys pulled out all the stops to get the job done. When the job was done, in 2000/2001, Garry and I went our separate ways but we kept in touch. In 2002 I was working in the midlands and Garry rang me. He asked me what I was doing and whether I fancied doing a job for him at Kingspan in Hull. I drove to see him pretty much straight away. I had enjoyed working with him in Scarborough it was a no-brainer to work with him again. It was a scary place. I soon learned that Garry, when possible, would try to bring in people he trusted each time there was new job. It worked, we had bonded, we trusted each other and we were all pretty damn good at what we did. John Broadbent, Alan Gibson and Andy Warburton joined and another team was formed. I think that, just as important was the fact that we were all good friends. We weren't just a team, we were mates. We worked well together in Hull. Garry, John and I still have a patented floor panel design which was specifically for McLaren's new doughnut shaped service centre. Kingspan was an unusual place. The costs were too high and needed reducing. The Unions and owners agreed to some redundancies, then on the day it was to be announced, that changed. Garry, Alan and John left. I stayed on for a bit then they got rid of me too. We'd saved the Company a fortune with automated lines. I'd been to Italy and Germany several times just to get the job done. When the suppliers came over from Europe, Garry was the perfect host. He created a warm, friendly, trusting atmosphere for everyone. Not always a bed of roses in Hull but it was interesting. I was ill in Hull. I had major problems with Cellulitis in my legs and Garry made sure that all checks were done on the possible root causes. He had the glues checked, the dust analysed and then he gave me all the reports. I'd never seen such a caring attitude from a Boss before and another thing...he never talked about his own health or ailments at that time although it was obvious that he wasn't always well. Anyway, after Hull we kept in touch. He'd send me daft jokes and e-cards etc. After a few years, he called me again and said, "Do you fancy making some explosives?" I thought wow, that'll do! I was calm though and said "ok" and we started working together at Wallop in 2007. It was supposed to be a 3 month contract! He put me up in a hotel, then we got John Broadbent in again. We saved a lot of money for the Company plus we had a bloody good time. In 2008 Garry's workload was ridiculous so he brought in a P.A., Julia. As soon as I saw her I was besotted. Garry knew this. I think he tried to warn her off me and made up stories about how I was a bad boy, just to protect her. It didn't work though. We've been together for 16 years now! Garry gave Julia complicated projects. He knew she could handle the extra responsibility and again, he trusted her. Garry fully supported her in everything she did. She was to become the next member of the team. During that period, I became ill again with Cellulitis. In 2008/9/10 I was hospitalised several times. Then I was diagnosed with Cancer. Garry and Julia were there for me every day...every single day. Garry got me the help I needed and because of that help and the small matter of 40 operations since, I'm still here! Julia and I often went to his house in Salisbury for "proper coffee" (as he called it) and a meal. John and I would also go there for BBQs etc. We were all just bloody good friends, supporting each other and loving each other's company. Oh...and he sent me to America too to represent Wallop at a Lean Manufacturing do in Arkansas for a few days. This, I have no doubt, was to raise my profile in the Company so that when he decided it was time for him to leave, I could handle the "step up". The problem was though that the Company didn't have a clue what it was doing from a Sales perspective. Garry and John did!! The Company didn't listen. Garry was continuously banging his head against a wall and he suffered again with his legs but he carried on until he decided to leave. His leaving Wallop came some time later. He left then John left. Julia was made redundant and I stayed on as Operations Director. Basically...Garry's old job. However, because the Board hadn't listened to Garry, the parent company, Esterline, closed the business and I too had to leave. We're now in 2012. Not bad though for a 3 month contract which started in 2007. We'd had a bloody good run but they should have listened to him!! I never worked with Garry, John or Julia again but we've kept in touch with each other as well as Alan Gibson and Andy Warburton. We still talk. Garry still sent his stupid cartoon jokes and e-cards. He even sent me a message/phone type message while he was on holiday in the Bahamas or somewhere. He was asking me what I was doing as he had another job for me. That was in 2014. Unfortunately, I was busy somewhere else at the time so I couldn't do it. I wish I had done it! Throughout the last 25 years, Garry and I always kept in touch. When Julia and I got married in October 2023, we sent him photos, which are on his phone somewhere as WhatsApp attachments. His response was "What took you so long? It was obvious you two were right for each other". Ironic really as he was trying to protect her from me at the beginning. We then swapped Christmas cards in 2023 and wished each other a Happy New Year. He wrote to me a couple of months ago about seeing each other as he and Carol were going caravaning and he would let us know when he was in our neck of the woods so that we could meet up. As we know, that didn't happen. He was taken away before we could arrange anything. I think about him. I miss him, even though in later years we didn't see each other due to commitments and distance etc. Knowing Garry is a privilege I will always cherish. He is one of the main reasons why I have been reasonably successful, work-wise. He is the reason I met Julia and a major reason why I'm still around. I owe him so much. I will never forget him or his love for his family, his friendship for Julia and me and his loyalty. A big man with a big heart. He is and always will be sadly missed. Gary Deakin 11/7/24

  • 04/07/2024

    Garry what can I say? We met at your works in the 1980's where you were a well respected production engineer. Since then you and Carol became great friends with David and myself . You shared a birthday with David March 9th. We spent many birthdays together right up to last March. Now you and David must continue to celebrate in heaven. Your and Carols kindness and friendship was appreciated and will always be remembered. Much love Gillian.

  • 04/07/2024

  • 03/07/2024

    Garry first made contact with me via my TR8 web site late 90's to tell me of a RHD TR8 he drove in the Round Britain in 1980 and how unique that car was amongst the 22 RHD TR8's built. He later sent me copies of the actual BL MOTORSPORT memo for the car. 2022 I finally managed to get my hands on that specific TR8 and talk others into doing again the Round Britain in 2023 43 years on with the same two TR8's the factory had used. The last time I spoke to him he came to see us enroute for the 2023 round Britain completing in a way his circle of life with the TR8 NWK988W. He was a gold mine of information on the RHD TR8 and a great personal friend who will be missed. Richard Connew

  • 02/07/2024

    Many wonderful memories of the times we had with Garry who we met along with Carol family when we all spent a camping holiday in Lakes with mutual friends sometime in the mud 70's. This sparked a lifelong friendship which saw us travel to many wonderful places together,at home and abroad. We had many adventures but the sight of both Garry and John being transported in a little tuk tuk carriage driven by a tiny Thai man on a tricycle is a memory that has been known to reduce Carol and I to helpless laughter. Garry has been a true friend through both good times and those times when misfortune has affected us. His memory will live with us always. RIP dear friend. With our love Jackie and John.

  • 02/07/2024

    Sadly we met Garry too late in our lives and so only enjoyed his friendship since our first meet in India in 2017. But Garry made a big impact on my life and through him I met many other like minded ex automotive friends. I will miss you Garry and will raise a glass to you as you take your final journey. 🥂 RIP. Brian

  • 01/07/2024

    R.I.P Garry gone too soon and never be forgotten. Our deepest condolences to Carol and the family. Bob Sue and Family

  • 01/07/2024

    I have know Garry since 1964, when I met his sister (Diane) my wife, at the Matrix Ballroom on Fletchhamstead Highway Coventry, we wold help his dad build an additional Garage at what was known as "The Bungalow" and we became life long friends, good times and bad, Rest in Peace my friend, always in my thoughts! God bless you Garry, Ian


  • 1 TREES

    Gillian Cowlishaw planted 1 trees in memory of Garry Owen . - 04/07/2024

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